Sunday, December 11th, 2022
2:00-5:00 PM
![]() PLEASE NOTE: For this meeting the location is:
Unitel Technologies, 479 E Business Center Drive, Suite 105, Mt Prospect, IL 60056 2:00 - 5:00 PM Central Time Map Link for Unitel Technologies Location: Please use the directions link below and refer to this for the entrance location. There is ample free parking. Directions Link to Meeting-Enter your starting address: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DECEMBER MEETING--Cinetec System of Alta Audio Loudspeakers, ModWright, Mark Levinson and Lumin Electronics, Pure Fidelity Harmony Turntable, Arm, and Cartridge We are meeting in a new location for the December meeting-our thanks to our member John Brunner and his wife for making this available. Eric Lee and George Georgio of Cinetec located in Palos Hills, IL are setting up a full system that encompasses the most listened to formats-streaming, disk, and LP. Bring a favorite track on CD, SACD, or LP and we will do our best to accommodate. They will be joined by Frank Malitz, Distributor for Alta Audio. Please note that Cinetec is close to opening a large store in Palos Hills and the website will be complete with lots of information at that time. In addition to the equipment list below, Cinetec hopes to include the new Modwright Analog Bridge. There may be a Mark Levinson turntable on hand with a Hana Umami cartridge. The Pure Fidelity Harmony Turntable/Tonearm/Cartridge is featured on the cover of the current Stereophile issue. Due to multiple formats, the links below are not live. Our thanks to Frank Malitz, Eric Lee, and George Georgio for organizing a great lineup of some of the newest and most interesting high-end components for the making of a great meeting. We will have some holiday refreshments and hope to see everyone there.
Alta Audio Alec Floor Standing Loudspeakers.
Alta Audio Alyssa Loudspeakers.
ModWright KWH-225i Integrated Amplifier
ModWright PH 9.0 Tube Phono Preamp
Mark Levinson 5105 Turntable
Pure Fidelity Harmony Turntable/Tonearm/Cartridge
Mark Levinson 5101 SACD Player/DAC (front view)