The meeting will be held at: Arlington Heights Historical Society, Arlington Room 110 W. Fremont Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (847) 255-1225 |

We are delighted to welcome back Paul McGowan, founder and owner of PS Audio and Scott Schroeder, PS Audio Domestic Sales Manager. Scott will explain PS Audio's unique equipment loaner program and sign up members that wish to try the BHK 250 and/or the DirectStream DAC in their own system. It's free, easy, and a great opportunity for members to see how PS Audio sounds in their own homes. Scott will provide more details and sign up interested members at the show. PS looks forward to meeting as many of us as possible.
Paul McGowan will bring with him the DirectStream DAC (Product of the Year in two major magazines), the BHK Signature 250 Stereo Amplifier (voted best amp of the year by the international press at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest), and his tricked out Mac Mini as a source. Paul will speak about the technology behind both products, the design process they went through to reach this level of performance, and all things audio related. Members are encouraged to ask questions. We had the first public demo of the DirectStream DAC at our June 2014 meeting from Paul. Since then it has been through two major sonic firmware revisions that have prompted new product reviews from major publications.
Our thanks to Toska Audio in Mt. Prospect who hosted our September meeting, for supplying the new Gershman Audio Grande Avant Garde Loudspeakers which were demonstrated at AXPONA with excellent reports.
In addition, James Anderson the Product Manager of Marketing and Galen Gareis, the Product Engineer from Belden Americas Division will introduce the very new Belden Iconoclast Cables in the system. Our thanks to fellow audiophile William Lawhorn for the arrangements. There is currently no online information, so the current information is attached to this newsletter. There will also be an opportunity for those interested to sign up to audition the cables in their own systems.
Hope to see all of you Sunday for what shapes up to be a great meeting!
Paul McGowan will bring with him the DirectStream DAC (Product of the Year in two major magazines), the BHK Signature 250 Stereo Amplifier (voted best amp of the year by the international press at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest), and his tricked out Mac Mini as a source. Paul will speak about the technology behind both products, the design process they went through to reach this level of performance, and all things audio related. Members are encouraged to ask questions. We had the first public demo of the DirectStream DAC at our June 2014 meeting from Paul. Since then it has been through two major sonic firmware revisions that have prompted new product reviews from major publications.
Our thanks to Toska Audio in Mt. Prospect who hosted our September meeting, for supplying the new Gershman Audio Grande Avant Garde Loudspeakers which were demonstrated at AXPONA with excellent reports.
In addition, James Anderson the Product Manager of Marketing and Galen Gareis, the Product Engineer from Belden Americas Division will introduce the very new Belden Iconoclast Cables in the system. Our thanks to fellow audiophile William Lawhorn for the arrangements. There is currently no online information, so the current information is attached to this newsletter. There will also be an opportunity for those interested to sign up to audition the cables in their own systems.
Hope to see all of you Sunday for what shapes up to be a great meeting!
Slideshow of pictures from the meeting:
Paul McGowan speaking to the CAS
about the new BHK Signature 250 Stereo Amplifier.
October, 2015 Newsletter: